Pupil Premium and Sports Funding Information
Pupil Premium Funding (including Covid Catch-up)
The Pupil Premium funding is a grant which schools use to raise the attainment of children eligible for free school meals. For the new financial year it is estimated that Colnbrook will be in receipt of £80,330 for the Pupil Premium. To view our most recent strategy document, which details how we will spend this funding, click the link below.
Sport Premium Funding
In April 2013, the Department for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport announced new funding of £150 million to support the delivery of PE and school sport. Funding has therefore been allocated to all state maintained secondary, primary, middle and special schools (including non maintained special schools), academies and pupil referral units with primary aged pupils.
Colnbrook C. of E. Primary School has been allocated £17,670. The sport premium grant is being used to improve the quality of PE and sport provision and raise standards across the school.
Click here for the latest spending summary report.