Colnbrook C. of E. Primary School has developed it's own RE curriculum designed using the schemes of work from Understanding Christianity and Discovery RE. It has been designed with our children in mind and will help to enrich their understanding of the major world faiths through experiences and discussion.
Each unit focusses on a “Big Question” which provides the children with time to talk about and discuss religion through their own experiences. Christianity will be the main religion taught, in accordance with the national guidelines. In addition Judaism will be taught in KS1 and Hinduism, Islam and Sikhism covered in KS2; meaning the children are exposed to all of the world’s major religions. Our inclusive ethos encourages discussion about different faiths and teaches children to respect different points of view.
To assess the RE at Colnbrook we start each unit with a KWL grid (Know/Want/Learnt). The children discuss what they already know about the religion or topic and what they would like to find out about during the learning. At the end of the unit the children discuss what they have learned and answer their ‘Big Question’ in the form of a piece of writing or labelled drawing. - locally agreed syllabus link – statement of entitlement link
Click below for our RE Curriculum Map
Click below for our Statement for Spiritual Development
Statement for Spiritual Development
Click here for our Spiritual Development Map.
Link to Oxford Diocese website: