
Colnbrook Primary School has 30 places within each year group and a resource base for pupils with more complex special educational needs, who are included in the 30 places for each year group.

Admissions to Colnbrook for a place in Reception are processed through Slough Borough Council. If you would like to apply for a place at Colnbrook please contact the Admissions Department at Slough Borough Council or the Admissions Officer at Colnbrook School for an application form.

Our school’s admissions policies can be found by clicking the links below:
Admissions Policy 2024/25

Admissions Policy 2025/26

Please contact the school office for more information about the admissions process, including if you are thinking about joining our school. We often have waiting lists for places, so we encourage early applications wherever possible.



If you wish to make a school admission appeal, please contact Slough Borough Council on the link below which also gives timescales for appeals.

Over-subscription criteria

Children with a Statement of Special Educational Need or with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan naming Colnbrook Church of England Primary School will always be offered places. If there is then greater demand for admission than there are places available, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below:

  1. Looked-after children and children who were previously looked after, but ceased to be so because, immediately after being looked after, they became subject to an adoption, child arrangements or special guardianship order.
  2. Families who have exceptional medical or social needs that make it essential that their child attends Colnbrook Church of England Primary School rather than any other. These needs must be fully supported by written evidence from the appropriate professional person involved with the family.
  3. Children with a normal home address in Colnbrook and Poyle and with a sibling on the role of the school at the time of application or whose parent has accepted an offer of a place at the school and who is expected still to be in attendance at the time of entry to the school (see appended catchment area map).
  4. Children with a normal home address in Colnbrook and Poyle.
  5. Children with a normal home address outside the Colnbrook and Poyle and with a sibling on the role of the school at the time of application or whose parent has accepted an offer of a place at the school and who is expected still to be in attendance at the time of entry to the school.
  6. Other children.

Proximity of the child’s home, as measured by the straight line distance between the home and the school with those living nearer being accorded the higher priority, will serve to differentiate between children in criteria 1 to 6 should the need arise. In the event that two distance measurements are identical, the school will use random allocation to decide which child should be offered the place. The process will be conducted in the presence of a person independent of the school.