Nursery Admissions
Children are admitted to the Nursery class in the term following their third birthday. The school can offer a maximum of 42 places with 21 places at each session.
Parents can take up either of these offers according to their eligibility.
Universal 15 hours Offer
- 15 hours am Mon – Fri (8.40am – 11.40am)
- 15 hours pm Mon – Fri (12.15pm – 3.15pm)
Extended 30 hours Offer
- 30 hours Mon – Fri (8.40am – 3.15pm) – Children to bring their own lunch
Parents eligible to take up the offer of 30 hours must apply for their eligibility code as soon as possible and return it to school for checking. Parents will be unable to reserve their child’s 30 hours’ place if this is not completed.
Although parents can request a preference for a morning or afternoon place, the school will make the final decision regarding the available sessions.
Application Process
Applications must be on a Nursery Admissions form and returned to the School and they will then be place on the waiting list.
If applications exceed the number of available places, the School will apply the following criteria.
Children with an EHCP that names Colnbrook C. of E. Primary School must be admitted to our Nursery.
Priority will be given to:
- Looked after children (A child is looked after by a local authority if a court has granted a care order to place a child in care, or a council's children's services department has cared for the child for more than 24 hours);
- Children of a sibling who already attends Colnbrook C. of E. Primary School at the date of admission;
- Children who have strong medical or social grounds for admission (to be supported by a letter from the referring agency).
- Children living within the area;
- Date of application.
The offer of places for September will take place in the Summer term.
The offer of places for January will take place in the Autumn term.
The offer of places for April will take place in the Spring term.
Transfer to Reception at Colnbrook C. of E. Primary School
A nursery place will not guarantee a place in Reception. Places are allocated according to the criteria set out in the Schools’ admission policy.
Parents/Carers may write to the governors if their child is not allocated a place, stating the reason and why further consideration should be made.
A panel of governors will meet with the Headteacher and the EYFS Lead to consider the appeal.