Pupil Attendance
The staff at Colnbrook C. of E. Primary School are committed to supporting children's attendance at school. Children with good attendance have the best chance of success as they have access to more teaching and experiences than those with poor attendance. While we understand there may be times that pupils will miss school, for example when they are unwell, it is essential that parents and the school work together to ensure children are attending school as much as possible.
If your child will not be at school due to illness, or you are running late, parents should phone the school office on 01753 683661 or email mail@colnbrookprimary.com by 9:30am.
If your child does not arrive at school, a member of the school office team will phone you to check the reason for absence.
We work closely with the attendance team at Slough Borough Council to monitor pupil attendance. Attendance levels that fall below an acceptable level, or where leave is taken without the Headteacher’s permission, can result in attendance levels being investigated and could result in a fine being issued and, ultimately, a court summons.
Pupils should not take leave during term time for the purposes of a holiday and this absence will not be authorised unless in exceptional circumstances. If you need to request time off school for your child, please download and complete a request form for Pupil Leave of Absence during term time. Absence can only authorised in exceptional circumstances and is at the discretion of the Headteacher.