Uniform can now be ordered via School Days Direct either by ordering online or by visiting their store in Slough. Click here to visit the Colnbrook C. of E. Primary shop on their website where you can order items for collection or delivery. If you need help with ordering please contact the school office or School Days Direct.
Early Years Foundation Stage Uniform (Nursery and Reception class children)
- Purple polo shirt with/without school logo
- Purple sweatshirt with/without school logo
- Plain black jogging bottoms (no logos)
- White or black plain socks
- Black Velcro trainers
- Purple summer dress, white knee length or ankle length socks
- Grey school shorts, black/grey socks
(Summer uniform can be worn from September until October half term and from after Easter until the summer break)
Click here to visit the School Days Direct website to order your uniform.
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Uniform (Years 1 - 6)
- A black blazer with sewn on school logo (this must be worn by all pupils with summer & winter uniform);
- A white shirt;
- A purple v-necked jumper (optional, but highly recommended, especially in the Winter);
- A clip-on tie (Key Stage 2: Years 3-6);
- An elastic tie (Key Stage 1: Years 1 and 2);
- Dark grey trousers or a dark grey knee length skirt;
- Trousers should be a regular fit (not skin tight or boot cut bottoms) and dark grey in colour.
- Plain black socks, or knee length white socks, or grey or black tights
- Black school shoes (not trainers) must be worn at all times.
Click here to visit the School Days Direct website to order your uniform.
Optional summer uniform may may be worn from September-October half term and again after the Easter holiday until the Summer break.
- A purple summer dress, white knee length or ankle length socks (no leggings or tights);
- A dark grey school shorts, black/grey socks.
PE Kit
All pupils are expected to wear the full PE kit.
- Plain black/grey sweatshirts;
- White t-shirt with/without school logo;
- Plain black sport shorts;
- Plain black/grey jogging bottoms (after the October half term until Easter);
- A pair of trainers is also essential.
Other uniform and dress expectations
- Only purple or black hair bands may be worn;
- Long hair must be tied back;
- No patterns, letters or similar should be shaved into hair;
- Large bows in hair should be avoided.
- One set of small, plain stud earrings may be worn (these must be covered or removed for PE);
- A wrist watch may be worn;
- No other jewellery should be worn (e.g. rings, bracelets, necklaces).
- No acrylic nails are allowed in school.
- No nail varnish can be worn.
Please ensure that all items of uniform are named to avoid anything being lost.
The Headteacher is the final arbiter on matters of uniform and appearance.
The school will arrange termly second-hand uniform sales.